Buy Dollars

Purchase US Dollars from sellers in your local country

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Rate & Availability

Select a country to see current dollar exchange rate and payment details

We automatically show you the best rate available. Rates are updated in real-time based on seller availability.

How It Works
  • • Select the region, payment method, and amount of you want to deposit
  • • When you select 'Buy,' you'll be given the payment details
  • • Please make the full payment amount to the account provided, and upload a photo receipt as additional verification proof within 15 minutes.
  • • Upon completing an order, your balance will be pending and will update within a day
  • • If you do not complete the order within 15 minutes, it'll be cancelled.
  • • Please verify that you're sending to the correct address, and please don't send a payment for a cancelled order. We cannot retrieve lost funds.
  • • For questions or support, contact shahryar@gokarsa

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